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Wednesday, April 29, 2015


                I fear being in the ocean and the boat sinking. Its not really a fear but why would you want to be on a boat  in the middle of the ocean where you can’t swim to land.  I rather not be in a boat and it sinking then stuck in the stupid ocean with people I probably don’t like and that are annoying and have to listen to them complain. Not to mention being thirsty and cant drink anything cause your surrounded by salt water. Then I would have to worry about what am I going to eat and then listen to people cry and go crazy cause they cant handle themselves. And eventually I would just throw them off the raft if we had one, because no one wants to hear someone going crazy. I wouldn’t feel any sham, doing that. Just shut up and don’t complain so that everyone will be somewhat calmer. The best way not to have this “fear” in not be in a boat in the middle of the ocean and not be on a boat with people who are annoying or who complain a lot. And I have feet and arms not fins and gills so I’m not a fish.

Boat sinking would suck. First of all when you see water coming in the boat you are like here we go. One time we went tubing on lake of the Ozarks, which was the worst place in the world to go to. We were tubing and our boat wasn't the biggest on the lake so we had a hard time with the wakes of the other big boats. So after like 20 minutes on the lake we decided that we were done. We set off to the dock and we were almost there when this huge sports boat went like five feet in front of us and the front of the boat went under water. My dad and I picked up rocks that we keep in the boat just in case people are stupid and get close to us so we throw them at them. So we got the rocks and throw them at the boat and hit the side of their boat and hit their glass on the boat. They didn’t like that but they wouldn't come near our boat. Anyways after the front end of our boat came out of the water the inside of the boat had at least a few inches of water. My sister and brothers started to freak out so that didn’t help anything. Finally we got back to the dock and that was the last time we went to the lake of the Ozarks. Later on that day we waited to see if the boat that almost sank us would have docked at the same dock as us but it didn’t so that was a bad thing.

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